

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Lately i have been feeling so much rejuvenated with life ,i have been finding myself and to say the truth ''me time'' has really worked for me this time. I have been wondering what it would fell like actually resolving to stop pushing the things that make you -you and embracing the inner you.

At times  ad feel really scared on what the world around me would think of me,the judgment ,the low whispering in the alley,street and other places,the gasp of my close friends and family would show when the know the truth.Many would resonate with me its a difficult undertaking more so when the future is so unknown.

Nevatheless i have made a resounding resolution to live a life of self worth coupled with self respect ,love and assurance. Whatever the world will hurl at me it will be dealt with accordingly and no fear or negative vibe will put me down. I guess a journey of a thousand miles start with one step and when i read the first post i did about me ,i feel i have really evolved and thanks to you guys for reading and your comments that have made me fell a sense of belonging in this journey of life.

I have been reading alot of new blogs (to me )lately and i found my footing where i lie.Both extremes can be comforting but i gues one has to find where your soul,mind and body clicks the best and thats where your true self  lies. As i have mentioned in this blog earlier am a person that many of my friends find valuable and to be really sure they will not bolt when i finaly unleash the beautiful truth is a surerity that i may reckon is far fetched.

Many a times when birds of a fether flock together one may be so oblivoius to the destructive ideologies as you are made to feel welcome in enjoying what is called living ''the truth'' i intend to take what is constructive and that which can add value to my life and embrace it . I will not be pulled in self medoicrity in the contest of promisciuty,desperation in the race to feel loved or experience what has been eluding me.

We all have what makes us and in respect of the new dawn in my life ,its not going to determine what i am and what i can achieve or do in my world.I  know some will disagree but we all have the freedom of choice ,the difference lies on how wise is your choice.

So as i said in the post i have read of very interesting blogs and i will do a blogs review and post the links in a laterpost so yo can check emm out. The traffic has been incresing lately and i love it-to my new readers enjoy-to all please feel free to comment or for topics you wann see discussed or any questions.

Happy thanksgiving.


  1. I love this post. Self discovery is probably the best journey you'll ever take. I'm in love with the phrase 'unleash the beautiful truth.' Sexuality IS a beautiful thing, and discovering yours, even more beautiful. I look forward to following your story the rest of the way.

  2. i agree random -of late i have been loving this feeling and considering sometimes ago i used to loathe the feeling and wished i was born differently.

    in life you learn to embrace what you cant change and buddy happiness and self awareness will follow suit.

    i guess am doing something right here.hehe
